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You'll need to use all your logical powers to work out the answers to our Halloween cryptograms! There are three fun puzzles to print and enjoy here.
I've been asked for some hints on how children should go about solving these cryptograms. I think you start by emphasising that they are jokes and that they are for Halloween. You might even start by going through a few (different) jokes and riddles with the kids, to get them in the mode! You can find a good collection of Halloween jokes here.
Remember, most jokes start with a What or a Why or a How etc. The second part of the riddle often (but not always) starts with a Because. Look at our Halloween cryptogram 3. Both the puzzles obviously have "BECAUSE" at the beginning of the second sentence. So children could start by filling in those letters, writing the numbers underneath the letters in the grid, and then checking if they appear elsewhere in the cryptogram and filling them in.
Having done that, they can then see that the third word in the first puzzle is W I _ C _ E S. It's a Halloween puzzle - what could it be? Witches! Then you have an H to put into the first word, giving you W H _ so it must be WHY or WHO. Try them both out. WHY makes more sense. Now they can guess that the second word must be DO because nothing else fits and so on. The more letters they get, the easier it becomes.
Some children get cryptograms very quickly - they can "see" the word patterns. Others might need to be talked through the puzzles and reminded of how riddles and jokes work. If there is a blank and they can't think of the correct letter to fill it, try running through the alphabet one at a time. It's actually a really good exercise because it helps children recognise word patterns and letter groupings.
1 Maditerranean coast
2 Chinese
3 Japanase reustuurant
Я сам сделал, правильно! :)