Пресент Сімпл
Cats don't like tomatoes. – Коти не люблять помідори.
Simon's cat doesn't like to swim. – Кіт Саймона не любить плавати.
He does not play the violin. – Він не грає на скрипці.
Пресент контініус
They are walking down the street. – Вони прогулюються вниз вулицеюI am speaking over the telephone. – Я розмовляю по телефону.
She is watching TV now. – Вона зараз дивиться телевізор
презент перфект
James has not finished his homework yet. – Джейс ще не закінчив своє домашнє завдання.
Has there ever been a war in the United States? – Чи була коли-небудь війна у Сполучених Штатах?
Have you ever met him? – Чи ти коли-небудь зустрічався з ним?
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. – Ніхто ніколи не забирався на цю гору.
This is the room. There is a bed. There is a player with hangouts on it. Near the bed there is a carpet. There is a t-shirt on it. Behind the bed there is a magazine laying on the floor. There are two tables in the room. On one table there is a lamp and a picture. And there is a vase with flowers on the another table. There are two posters on the wall. One poster is with girls and the other is with picture of Paris on it. There is a bookshelf above that poster. There are a lot of books on the shef. And of cause there is a window with green curtains. There are funny yellow blots on it.