Выбирайте предложения:
I want to have a new phone. (Я хочу новый телефон.)
I want to travel to Africa. (Я хочу поехать в Африку.)
I want to have all Harry Potter books. (Я хочу все книги про Гарри Поттера.)
I want to win my next swimming competition. (Я хочу выиграть мои следующие соревнования по плаванию.)
I want to learn to play the guitar. (Я хочу научиться играть на гитаре.)
I want to be the strongest person in my class. (Я хочу быть самым сильным человеком в моем классе.)
I want to live in a big house with a swimming-pool. (Я хочу жить в большом доме с бассейном.)
I want to know English well. (Я хочу хорошо знать английский язык.)
Russia is a country with a rich culture and centuries-old history. Some historically cultural and architectural monuments are the object of World Heritage of UNESCO. Inthe Russian cities there are many historical places in that Iam that to look. In any city and region there are such places,that hooks, not discompose a man that has the soul and heart. Russia is literally filled with sights with an artistic value.
Historical heritage is in many Russian cities large and small. It and the Gold ring of Russia, and the capital of our Motherl and, both Saint Petersburg and Novgorod, and Vladimir, and Volgograd and many other. Aman, loving Russia, will find for it self not alone sight that willrock his heart.
I feel it self the particle of the great Russian people thatcreated and saved an enormous wonderful seating capacity.And our task to save all of it for our descendants.
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