I like outdoor games, including with a ball. And the most favorite sport is volleyball. We often play it in physical education classes at school. Also, my friends and I are pulling the net in the yard, collecting two teams and throwing the ball. I like this activity much more than sitting on a bench and swinging my legs out of boredom.
My favorite sport is volleyball. It is in this sport that I am extremely good and agile. Volleyball for me is not just a hobby or hobby, it is my life, without which I would not be just bored, it would be just uninteresting to live and I would grow up lazy and not physically developed. Volleyball is a very interesting sport, and there, in principle, as in all games, have their own rules that must be obeyed. In volleyball you need to be not just fast, you need to be agile and have a fairly well-developed reaction. The reaction is important, at least because if you do not want to get on the face will need to catch the ball quickly and immediately.
Volleyball is a very interesting sport, and it does not seem so difficult if you know how to play it. The game is simple, the rules are such that the minimum number of players is six. Three are on one side and the other three are on the other side of the volleyball net. Each player must follow the rules of the game and know his exact place. Otherwise the game will not work.