When my friend and I were returning from a movie I saw a small dog at a red light runs across the road, Ma its rear at high speed rides avtomobil.Moy one loves animals and he rushed for sobakoy.On almost hit by a car, I grabbed the dog and fell to klumbu.Moy friend was still in debt shoke.Sobachka hurt his paw, we carried her to another home and bandaged her lapku.Sereznyh injuries did not have dogs, a strong bruise lapy.Vecherom I stayed with a friend to spend the night. When we drank tea with other parents, he spoke of a bold act, which she made during the day. Parents have made my friend a gift they gave her the dog, which he spas.On was so happy that I even cried. I will remember this event and I will always proud of my bold and brave friend!
1 He reminded to hand in our essays before Friday Он напомнил нам сдать эссе до пятницы. 2. Ann accused Steve that he had broken the printer(Ann accused Steve of having broken the printer) Энн обвинила Стива ,что он сломал принтер. 3. Sue denied that she had taken my library card(Sue denied having taken my library card) Сью отрицала,что она взяла мой читательский билет. 4. Ben suggested to go to the theatre.(Ben suggested going to the theatre) Бэн предложил сходить в театр. 5. He apologised for having lied to me(He apologised that he had lied to me) Он извинился,что солгал мне.
1. doesn't have
2. does
3. don't go
4. has
5. doesn't go