Entered the room, two students - twin brothers Anton and Artem. Jeans, T-shirts and dredy featuring Bob Marley looked highly unusual near almost finished the icon. Effusions, brothers resent those recognizing what they do, perplexed. "What I have to write icons man in a cassock What I now give up and start up to their appearance - that is, drinking beer, smoking ... I dress the way I like it. And on Sundays almost always go to church "- so emotional states his credo Artem. He really believes that to maintain the cultural and spiritual values - the duty of every person.
c. finishes
I am going to bed as soon as the film finishes. (Я пойду спать, как только закончится фильм.)
Это предложение с придаточным условия. Речь о будущем действии, но в придаточных условия в английском вместо будущего времени используется настоящее.