1. I usually have lunch at home.
2. My brother is waiting for me now.
3. Somebody has already drunk my coffee!
4. I had got up before the alarm clock rang.
5. We played basketball last week
6. It was raining the whole evening yesterday.
7. Ben will be cutting the grass from 8 to 12 a.m. tomorrow.
8. Susan will have bought bread by the time of dinner.
9. The shop will open in some minutes.
1. Я обычно обедаю дома.
2. Мой брат ждет меня сейчас.
3. Кто-то уже выпил мой кофе!
4. Я встал еще до того, как зазвонил будильник.
5. Мы играли в баскетбол на неделе.
6. Вчера весь вечер шел дождь.
7. Завтра Бен будет стричь траву с 8 до 12 часов утра.
8. Сьюзен купит хлеба к обеду.
9. Магазин откроется через несколько минут.
The Internet, a global computer network spanning millions of users around the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment Information transmitted via the Internet travels the shortest route from one computer to another. This allows any two computers on the Internet to stay connected to each other as long as there is one path between them.
Thanks to this technology, if some computers on the network are disabled (e.g. as a result of a nuclear explosion), information will simply flow around them. Most Internet host computers (over 50%) are in the US, the rest are in over 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted quite accurately, no one knows exactly how many people use the Internet; there are millions of them, and their number is growing by thousands every month around the world. Most people who have access to the Internet use the network only to send and receive email. However, other popular services are also available on the Internet: reading USENET news, using the World Wide Web, telnet, FTP, Gopher. In many developing countries, the Internet can become a reliable alternative to expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems in these countries. When they send emails, they only have to pay for phone calls to local service providers, not for calls in their countries or around the world. But who actually pays to send e-mails over the Internet over long distances, all over the world? If people see what they can make on the Internet, the commercial use of the network will increase dramatically. For example, some Western architectural companies and clothing centres are already transferring their basic designs and concepts over the Internet to China, where they are being processed and refined by qualified - but inexpensive - Chinese computer designers. Thanks to this, you can get on any of the computers on the route, intercept and even change the data sent via the Internet. Despite the fact that there are many powerful encoding programs, almost all information transmitted over the Internet, is transmitted without any encoding, ie "in its purest form. Some US banks and companies even conduct transactions over the Internet.