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Russian language is one of the most developed and richest languages in the world. It is sonorous and melodic: there are a hundred sounds account for approximately eighty sounds with the voice-vowels and voiced consonants. Russian language has a large vocabulary. There are a lot of synonyms. With their help, accurately and clearly expressed all shades of thoughts and feelings. In the Russian language, many ways of forming new words, and so he has an inexhaustible source of replenishment of your vocabulary.
Verb to be and verb to have I am Cristina and I am 30 years old. I have a happy family. They are my parents, my 3 siblings and my boyfriend. I live with this last one, his name is Mario. He has 3 siblings, too. He is 33 years old and he is a director. He has brown hair and he has brown eyes.
Present simple The children don't like fish. She always gets up at 7:00. Do you want to drink a coffee? These photographs cost 100 euros. Does your friend speak English? We don't buy in that shop. He never listens to me. Do you usually play the piano? Does Anthony go to work at 8:30? My son always watches TV at night.