За годы независимости Узбекистана большое значение уделялось возрождению национальных ценностей, сохранению архитектурных памятников.
In the past years of independence of Uzbekistan the great significance was given to the revival of national values, to the retention of architectural monuments.
За годы независимости Узбекистана представители 24 национальностей были награждены высокими наградами правительства Узбекистана.
Over the years of independence representatives of 24 nationalities have been commended in this way by the Government.
2.14. 30 ноября 2006 года узбекский Парламент принял постановление, озаглавленное "Об амнистии в связи с празднованием четырнадцатой годовщины независимости Узбекистана".
2.14 On 30 November 2006, the Uzbek Parliament issued a decree entitled "On pardon in connection with the fourteenth anniversary of Uzbekistan's independence".
есть и перевод на русский
Three years had passed, and my parents sent me to a musical school. Of course, I went to the first form of our school, and the time for music became less and less...
At musical school we had 4 subjects: Solfeggio, Choir, Music Literature, and Occupation. Of course, I chose the piano. For the first few years I did not experience any learning difficulties. I attended the piano classes with pleasure. As for the chorus, I loved to sing, and was also happy to do it.
I also loved Solfeggio and adored building different chords, intervals, and even composed simple melodies. Music literature, that was what was really hard for me, it started in the fourth form. Students had to memorize a bunch of different myths of ancient Greece, and then disassemble various operas, musicals and do much more