a, the
Артикль "a" ставится потому что" house" это единственное число. Артикль" the" ставится, потому что это конкретно говорится о доме
1. Her hair is being dyed now.
2. My car is currently being repaired, so I can't drive you.
3. Yesterday she had a manicure.
4. you should invite a professional designer and redevelop the kitchen.
5. I have my Windows washed Twice a month.
6. They were painting the garage when I called.
7. We have recently installed new locks.
8. A few days ago, his car was hit.
9. We will be cleaning the house next week.
10. My coat is dry-cleaned twice a year.
11. When are you going to get your eyesight checked?
12. Tomorrow he will deliver the new furniture.
13. He is currently having a tooth removed.
14. We just had our roof repaired.
15. How often does your car pass inspection?
16. her phone was stolen yesterday.
17. I don't like being photographed.
18. I think you should cut your hair shorter.
19. they are currently being heated.
20. my bike was stolen last week.
21. They broke our window with a brick.
22. today, with the help of plastic surgery, many people change their appearance.