My favorite sport is running, and now I'll tell you why.
First, it develops endurance and fortitude. It is one of the most effective sports for the development of all muscles. Through running, all muscle groups develop well.
Secondly, after training your body is relaxed and well developed, you feel like after each race you become stronger and stronger.
I know several people who were able to prove themselves in this sport: David Rudisha, Michael Johnson, Wade Van Niekerk, Tyson Gaye, Usain Bolt.
Мой любимый вид спорта - это бег, и теперь я расскажу почему.
Во-первых, развивает выносливость и силу духа. Это один из самых эффективных видов спорта для развития всех мышц. Благодаря бегу хорошо развиваются все группы мышц.
Во-вторых, после тренировки ваше тело расслаблено и хорошо развито, вы чувствуете, что после каждой гонки становитесь все сильнее и сильнее.
Я знаю несколько человек, которые смогли проявить себя в этом виде спорта: Дэвид Рудиша, Майкл Джонсон, Уэйд Ван Никерк, Тайсон Гэй, Усэйн Болт.
Mrs May, our District Nurse, was driving home at 3 a.m. one night
after an urgent visit to a sick patient. She was driving along a
deserted country lane, when she saw a new kind of animal. She stopped
her car and got out. The animal was clearly visible in the blaze of her headlights.
It looked like a hedgehog with a tall white hat. It was crossing the road without
paying any attention to Mrs May. As Mrs May was going close to it, she noticed that
there was a plastic yoghurt pot on the hedgehog's head. The poor creature had got
its head stuck in the plastic pot!
Her instincts as a nurse told her she would have to rescue it, so she pulled
at the pot, but the hedgehog was pulling too. After a struggle, she pulled the pot
off the hedgehog's head. Mrs May thought the hedgehog was looking rather sad when
she noticed that the pot was half full of strawberry yoghurt. She gave it
back to the hedgehog. The creature seized it, put it on its head again,
and triumphantly continued its journey across the road.