heel, sole , вродеее быы
Positive sentences
1.have studied
2.has eaten
3.have been
4.have read
5.has lived
6.have known
7.have been
8.have lost
9.has drunk
10.have missed
Negative Sentences
1.Haven't been
2.Hasn't seen
3.Hasn't met
4.Haven't visited
5.Haven't talked
6.Haven't studied
7.Haven't been
8.Hasn't hurt
9.hasn't left
10.Haven't lost
Для утвердительной формы используем глагол Have (has для 3 лица ед. числа) + глагол в 3 форме
Для отрицания используем глагол Have (has для 3 лица ед. числа) + not + глагол в 3 форме
Present Perfect описывает действия, которые произошли в , но результат виден в настоящем.
1) The baby doesn't cry so much, but she used to cry every night.
2) She used to be my best friend but we are not friends any longer.
3) We live in Moscow now but we used to live in Kiev.
4) Now there is only one shop in the village but there used to be three.
5) When I was a child I used to like ice cream, but I don't like it now.
6) Now Tom has got a car. He used to have a motor-cycle.
7) These days he doesn't go away very often but he used to go away a lot.
8) Jane used to have long hair but she cut it some time ago.
9) The building is now a supermarket, but it used to be a cinema.
10) Jack doesn't dance these days but used to dance a lot.
11) He used to drink beer. Now he drinks wine.
12)She does not work here now, but she used to work.
13) I used to go to the cinema a lot, but I never get the time now.
14)It used to be that the Earth is flat.