An Allergy is a hypersensitivity of the body to any substance. This substance can be any chemical ingredient, product, hair, dust, pollen or a germ. Today it is well established that allergens may be substances produced within the body. They are called antiallergenic or autoallergens. They are natural – unmodified tissue proteins that are isolated from the systems that are responsible for immunity. And purchased – proteins that acquire foreign properties against thermal, radiation, chemical, bacterial, viral, and other factors. For example, an allergic reaction develops with glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, arthritis, hypothyroidism.
When I was almost 1 year old - в ед. числе. В этом же предложении, если уж "мои родители говоряТ", тогда "My parents say". Далее, здесь же, не думаю что надо использовать продолженное. либо так если используем when, My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old when they gave me pencils and paper for drawing, I was banging rhytm of the music which I heard lately. либо так, если не используем: My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old they gave me pencils and paper for drawing but I banged rhytm of the music which I heard lately. Because of it - лучше That's why. I like it because I can do it very well anyway my teachers say it. Это лучше разделить на 2: I like it because I can do it very well. At least my teachers say it.