Jack is used to getting up early. On Monday morning he got up at 6 o’clock. The sun was already shining. Birds sang in the garden. He quickly had breakfast, got into the car and drove to the station. He was going to catch an 8-hour train. Jack rode pretty fast and listened to his favorite music on the radio, when a deer ran out onto the road. Jack immediately stopped the car. Fortunately, the accident did not happen, and the deer fled to the forest. Jack continued on his way. When he parked the car at the station, his phone rang. After talking with a friend, Jack got on a train, took a seat by the window and began to read a fresh newspaper, although he used to have a habit of napping
1) First television was made by John Logie Baird with old cars bicycle parts lenses and other things. Первый телевизор был сделан Джоном Лоуги Бэрдом из частей автомобиля, велосипеда, линз и других вещей. 2) The first TV was demonstrated in 1925 by Baird. Первый телевизор был представлен Бэрдом в 1925 году. 3) The first television service was opened in Britain in 1936. Первый телевизионный сервис открылся в Британии в 1936. 4) First colour television was used in the USA in 1956. Первое цветное телевидение использовали в США в 1956. 5) In the early days of television television sets were bought only by few people, because thery were expensive. В ранние годы телевидения, телевизоры покупались немногими, т.к. были дорогие.
Tim had a headache for three days.
What happened to Tim?
He had a headache.
How long had he had it?
For three dats.
Jane had a cough for two weeks.
What happened to Jane?
She had a cough.
How long had she had it?
She had it for two weeks.
Adam had a cold for a week.
What happened to Adam?
He had a cold.
How long had he had it?
He had it for a week.
Mick had a flu for ten days.
What happened to Mick?
He had a flu.
How long had he had it?
He had it for ten days.
Rosie had an earache for a weekend.
What happened to Rosie?
She had an earache.
How long did she have it?
Only for a weekend.