A stranger is anyone who you family doesn't know well. You can strangers every day in shops, in the park and in the street. Most of the strangers are nice and normal people, but few maybe not Don't think that "bad strangers look scary like monsters of villains in cartoons. This is not true. Pretty strangers can be just as datgerous the not-so-pretty ones. You can never understand il strangers are nice or not just by looking at them. You should be really careful about all strangers "But don't think that all strangers are bad. If you are lost or if a bad stranger follows you, you need to ask for help. Safe strangers are people who you can ask for help when you need it. Police officers and firefighters are two examples of sale strangers who you can easily recognize. Don't forget about your parents and teachers who you can always trust You must learn to see dangerous situations and be careful with strangers or other adulte who may have bad intentions. If an adult seks you to disobey your parents or do something without asking them, stop talking to this person and tell your parents about this! пож.пересказь на русском по английскому языку или перевод на тему: s͚a͚f͚e͚t͚y͚ t͚i͚p͚s͚ f͚o͚r͚ t͚e͚e͚n͚s͚
My school day begins with the fact that I get up early in the morning, wash, get dressed and eat breakfast. Then I go to school for the first lesson. In class I was waiting for my friends, and together we are waiting for a call. In class we will learn many new things that the teacher explains in detail. At recess, we chat together and play different games, repeating homework. After school I go home, have dinner. After a short rest, I start to do your homework and then the whole day is free. No wonder they say 'do business - walk safely. "
1. What time you wake up?
- Во сколько ты просыпаешься?
2. What does your morning start with?
- С чего начинается твое утро?
3. Is it hard for you to get up early in the morning?
- Сложно ли тебе вставать рано по утрам?
4. Do you like your job? Why?/ Why not?
- Любишь ли ты свою работу? Почему?/Почему нет?
5. How is your relationship with colleagues?
- Какие у тебя отношения с коллегами?
6. Is it hard for you to work?
- Сложно ли тебе работать?
7. What was new on this day?
- Что нового было в этот день?
8. Would you advise other people to work at this job too? Why?/Why not?
- Посоветовал бы ты другим людям тоже работать на этой работе? Почему?/Почему нет?
остальные два, надеюсь, сами сделаете.
И я надеюсь, что правильно составила вопросы. И тему я правильно поняла.