1)Match the verb with a proper phrase. get into/ out of
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
2)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
get on/off
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
3)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
free somebody
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
4)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
5)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
put the luggage
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
6)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
go on
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
7)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
8)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
leave the dog
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
9)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
10)Match the verb with a proper phrase.
belong to
on the belt
a swim
in prison
from prison
a train
a woman
the swimming pool
with friends
that there was a shark in the pool
Flora of Ukraine
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Roslyn 's World is the Yogo geografіya in Ukraїnі porіvnyano vivchenі . Respublіka vіdnositsya to kraїn s great rіznomanіtnіstyu flora. W 300-350 yew . vidіv vischih Roslyn Zemnoї kulі , napriklad in Ukraїnі nalіchuєtsya 25 Hope yew . , in addition chislі hydrogen - blizko 4 yew . , gribіv i slizovikіv - 15 Hope yew . , lishaynikіv - bіlshe nіzh 1 yew . , mohopodіbnih - mayzhe 800 i sudini verse Roslyn - hope 6.5 yew . vidіv .
About bagatstvo i Visoko Vidova nasichenіst Roslyn svitu on odinitsyu ploschі Ukrainy svіdchat takі zіstavlennya . Natural flora sudinnih Roslyn nalіchuє 4523 apparently , todі yak at Bіlorusії - 1460 , Moldovі - 1762 Polschі - 2300 vidіv . In Ukraїnі uniquely bіlsha kіlkіst vidіv pripadaє one rіd - 4.45 ; Do Bіlorusії - 2.66 Polschі - 3.00