Health is very important for every person. Everybody wants to be healthy and active. But in spite of that a lot of people nowadays have different illnesses and other health problems. I take care of my health because I like to feel well. But sometimes it seems that everyone all around me is ill, so it’s very easy to get sick. Sometimes I’m tired or stressed and I have a headache. So I have to use an aspirin or some other pain killer.
I don’t like to go to the doctor, but sometimes I have to. I go to the dentist once a year, because it’s important to look after your teeth. I hate toothache and can’t understand people who are ready to tolerate it because they are scared to go to the dentist.
In my opinion people should try to keep fit, eat healthy food and do some sports. But even if you do all that, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have some serious disease like asthma or cancer. The reason of it is a high level of pollution of the environment.
1 А flat -квартира - people (первые два слова flat и house можно в один кружок взять)
2 A house -дом - people -люди
3 А hole - нора - A fox -лиса
4 A den - берлога - A bear - медведь
5 А cave -пещера -Вats - летучие мыши
6 An ant-hill - муравейник -An ant - муравей
7 A hive - улей - Вееs -пчёлы
8 A spider-net - паучья сеть - a spider - паук
9 A swamp (или a bog)- болото - Frogs - лягушки
10 А nest - гнездо - A bird - птица
11 A river - река - Fish - рыба
А дальше от этих слов потянутся, те, кто живёт в этих жилищах, но это будут существительные; Можно взять и прилагательные
Big - большой (медведь), Small - маленькие (летучие мыши) , Little (муравьишка, паук), Nice - красивые ( птицы), Red - рыжая (лиса), Hardworking - трудолюбивые (пчёлы, люди), Green - зелёные (лягушки),
Swimming - плавающие (рыбки) Clever -умный.Sly - [bnhsq
И по кластеру составляешь предложения: 1)Home is a place where people and animals can live. 2) For people home is a flat or a house.
3) People are hardworking and clever. 4) А fox lives in a hole. Foxes are red. They are sly. (хитрые) 5) A bear lives in a den.They are big animals. 6) Bats are small. They live in caves. 7) Ants are very small. They live in an anthill. 8) и так далее
9) Bees are very hardworking. They live in hives. (хайвз-читается) 10) Spiders make a net (for themselves - для себя) and live there. They are small. 11).Frogs are usually green. They live in bogs (or swamps-свомпс). 12) Birds live in nests.They are beautiful. They can fly and many of them live in the trees. They build their nests there.
13) Fish live in the river. ( or in the lake< in the sea) Fish саn be big and small. They are often very nice. They swim very well.