Доповніть речення правильною формою поданих слів. Використовуйте Present Perfect або Past Simple. Я не голодний. Я
просто / їли
його ключ. Він не може потрапити у свою квартиру.
Джек і Сара
одружений два роки. Вони зараз розлучені.
цей фільм?
Мона не буде грати на гітарі на концерті. Вона
її рука.
нове плаття минулих вихідних.
Мій батько
не / читати
газета вчора.
ніколи / гравець
футбол у моєму житті.
Кім тут немає. Вона
Скільки віршів
Олександр Пушкін / пишіть
1 ideal job is a stylist, making people look beautiful
2 I think the best way is to ask your family members if they have a vacancy for you
3 I think that experience is more important because if you don’t have experience it's going to be harder to get a job
4 I think yes because being self employed gives you some much more time, even though you won’t get as much money but it's all worth it
5 Satisfaction is more important because you are probably going to spend at-least 1/6 of your life on your work
6 When i was controlling my whole family when my mom got lost
2 l did not meet my friend at the gym. He is sick at home.
3 You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables when you are ill.
4 Kairat is feeling better; he doesn't need to go to the doctor.
5 l am cooking dinner today. My mum asked me.