ответ на фото...........
Clothes are an important part of modern life. It’s hard to imagine how people can live without clothes. There are various styles of clothes nowadays, so people can choose what to wear on different occasions. As for me, I have a good collection of clothes in my wardrobe. There are a couple of school suits which are of classic style. Then I have some jeans and T-shirts for casual days. And at last, I have a couple of bright dresses for parties or special occasions. Most of all I like wearing ordinary jeans with matching shirts. I think it’s not only convenient but also stylish. As for shoes, I prefer wearing sports shoes or sneakers but I need to wear some classic black shoes to school. I don’t like high heels because they are uncomfortable. I always try to keep my clothes and shoes neat. I think that clothes tell a lot about people and can make a strong impression. So if they are tidy and nice the impression will be positive. The choice of clothes also depends on seasons and weather conditions. In winter, for example, it’s important to have a warm coat and a pair of boots. A jacket and rubber boots would be nice for spring and autumn. However, my favourite time is summer, when everyone can wear light T-shirts and shorts, or sarafan and sandals.
Відповідь:10. Ви коли-небудь здійснювали святковий круїз по Волзі, Камі чи вздовж узбережжя Чорного моря?
11. Деякі люди воліють подорожувати самостійно і ненавидять подорожі групою. Що з вами?
12. Ви коли-небудь були за кордоном? Як ти подорожував?
13. Які країни ви хотіли б відвідати? Чому?
10. I have never swum on these rivers but I had the opportunity to swim on the Black Sea coast it is unrealistically cool(Я ніколи не плавав на цих річках але в мене була нагода поплавати на узбережжі чорного моря це нереально круто)
11.No, unfortunately I do not like to travel in a group because it distracts me and I do not feel comfortable there(Ні я на жаль не люблю подорожувати групою адже мене це відволікає і я почуваю там себе не комфортно)
12. I was overseas it was just incredible I traveled by plane and by car(Я був закордоном це було просто неймовірно я подорожував на літаку та на машині (країну сам/сама вкажеш бо я не знаю де ти побував /побувала))
13.I would like to visit all the countries of the world because each country is unusual and attractive in its own way, but one of the countries of my dreams is the United States because they speak English and I would like to test my knowledge and share my impressions with you.(я б хотів відвідати всі країни світи адже кожна країна по своєму незвичайна і приваблива але однією із країн моєї мрії є США тому що там розмовляють аглійською і я б хотів перевірити свої знання і поділитися враженнями з вами )
1. We stayed in a hotel with a view of the sea
2. She makes vases in the shape of fruit.
3. The bathroom is on the first floor
4. You can't watch TV and do your homework at the same time
5. The train doesn't stop at that station anymore
6. Walk past the cinema to get to the gym
7. My dad travels to work by car
8. To get to the library, go up High Street and turn right
10. After you pass the fire station, take the first turning on your left
11. Our new house is at a quiet street
12. Our kitchen table is made of wood
13. Sunflowers move to follow the sun across the sky
14. Quick! Jump in the train before the doors close!
`15. Kelly has got posters on the walls of her room.