My school usually offers baseball, basketball and football. Each pupil can choose what does he want and during the whole year do something he likes. I think school competitions are important to everyone, because there you can show what can personaly you achieve, protect your school and win cub or medal. Team work is also very important in such competitions and that will help you to work in future.
Последний напиши лично про себя и если надо я переведу, потому что на подобные соревнования я не хожу, а про танцевальные возможно тебе не подойдет
Let's go shopping. I have to buy bread and milk. I went to the cinema yesterday. What film? Oh, it was a very good film about dogs. How often do you go to the theater? Not very often, because I'm very busy. I work from morning till evening. I almost have time to play the piano. I want to fly in a balloon and enjoy the picturesque views of the city. We are going to try a lot of delicious Chinese food in a restaurant in the western part of the city. A couple of weeks ago Lena cooked such a delicious cake! In such a rain it is better to wear rubber boots and a raincoat and do not forget to take an umbrella. My dog Joe runs to the garden in order to dig a tasty bone.