1. Scottish people are called like this.
- Так называют жителей Шотландии.
ответ: Scots - шотландцы.
2. This is a drink made in Scotland.
- Этот напиток сделан в Шотландии.
ответ: Scotch - скотч (виски).
3. The second largest city in Scotland.
- Второй крупнейший город в Шотландии.
ответ: Glasgow - Глазго.
4. The patron saint of Scotland.
- Святой покровитель Шотландии.
ответ: Andrew - Эндрю.
5. This is the golf capital of Scotland.
- Этот город является столицей Шотландии и родиной гольфа.
ответ: St Andrews - Сент-Андрус.
6. The capital city of Scotland.
- Столица Шотландии.
ответ: Edinburgh - Эдинбург.
7. Nessie lives here.
- Здесь обитает Несси.
ответ: Loch Ness - Лоx-Несс.
8. This sport started in Scotland.
- Этот спорт был рождён в Шотландии.
ответ: Golf - гольф.
9. There are about five million people in Scotland.
- В Шотландии живёт около пяти миллионов человек.
10. This is a beautiful island of the west coast of Scotland.
- Это красивый остров на западном побережье Шотландии.
ответ: Skye - Скай.
11. A knee-lenght skirt often worn by Scottish men on special occasions.
- Юбка до колен, которую часто надевают Шотландские мужчина по особым случаям.
ответ: Kilt - кильт.
12. Scotland lies north of England.
- Шотландия покрывает северную часть Англии.
13. The word WHISKY means "water of life" in Gaelic.
- Слово "ВИСКИ" означает - "живая вода" на гэльском языке.
Слова вставлены в кроссворд (см. вложение)...
An ideal teacher is a divine blessing for the society. He/she devotes heart and soul to teaching and career-building of his pupils. He/she commands respects from our heart. He possesses all good and noble qualities of a human being. To the students, he/she is a friend, philosopher and guide at a stretch. An ideal teacher has the highest degree of integrity. An ideal teacher is susceptible to adaptation or modification. A teacher is a person who plays an important role in a life to shape up the whole life. The teacher provides knowledge and improves the skill of students whether at home or school. Teachers are a great source of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to the children which benefits the whole life. So i love my teacher so much!
(там тебе только надо написать он или она(учитель/ница))
1.At times in life we all face personal challenges and it is how we deal with these challenges that can help us to learn from them. Whether large or small it is it is often through these experiences that a sense of personal development is acquired. In our lifewide learning survey a number of students told us how coping with personal challenges had, had a dramatic and lasting effect on their own personal development.
2.Rising to the challenge
‘I am an international student. Having never been away from home for long periods, taking the giant leap of moving to another country was quite overwhelming. Experiencing and being part of a culture completely different to mine was eduction itself. I learnt how to be more independent, how to cook, clean and wash’
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