переделать в пассивное состояние! 1.They feed the dog every day. - 2. She carried the box yesterday. - 3. We will play cards next week. - 4. You wash the car every day. - 5. They don't buy bread. - 6. He did not read the sentence. - 7. The teacher will test our English 8. Jenny locked the door.
My dream house.
Nowadays people live in different houses, Some in apartments, in country houses, in houses on the ground, in communal apartments. Each of them has its pros and cons. Every year the houses become more modern. Personally, I'd like to live out of town in a house on earth. My ideal home is this one, the territory of which is well landscaped and protected from strangers and noise, where you can enjoy the atmosphere of tranquility And where there is a nearby river, where you can go fishing or swimming and where there is a forest. It would be great to have an orchard, a sauna, as well as a gazebo where you can drink tea with family or friends. On the one hand, the house should be modern, but on the other I should feel closer to nature.
All people love to watch movies, but it can be watched both at home and in the cinema. My favorite genres are Comedy and melodrama. Personally, I love to watch movies at home, because it's free, no one bothers, you can make a comfortable environment for viewing. You can stop the movie, if there are urgent matters that will have to change plans.