1. drink; will get 2. won't be late; gets 3. go 4. is; will have 5. wear; will look 6. buys; will wear 7. comes; comes; will phone В данном упражнении большинство предложений в First Conditional (1 тип условного наклонения). Исходя из правила, можно легко выполнить это упражнение. If + Present Simple, Future Simple (will) (или эти части могут поменяться местами). Также присутствуют предложения с придаточными времени (when). После слов when, as soon as, until, after, before никогда не ставится Future Simple (will), а идет глагол в Present Simple
1) In the childhood of Newton, according to the contemporaries, was silent, closed and famous, loves to read and master technical toys 2) In 1684, Newton began to watch gravity. He developed his theory of universal gravitation, which used the so-called law of inverse square. 3) Newton built the first reflector telescope and developed a color theory based on observations of the splitting of white light into the spectrum in an optical prism. 4) Newton made his discovery only 16 years later, finding that all bodies in the universe force one another to attract one another by nature - the Law of Universal Attraction. 5) / 6) King Newton's decree was buried in Westminster Abbey. On his grave are the words: “Here lies Sir Isaac Newton, a nobleman who, with an almost divine reason, was the first to demonstrate with the torch of mathematics the motion of planets, the paths of comets and the tides of the oceans.
1. b
2. f
3. d
4. e
5. a
6. g
7. c