моя жизнь изменилась после короновируса, я стал ходить со своей семьей в закрытые помещения. Все ходили без масок и радовались жизни. Не кто не болел, я был очень рад, что этот вирус закончился. Каждый день я выхожу гулять на улицу с друзьями , а на карантине я сидел дома и не выходил на воздух. Многие радовались, иду и вижу счастливые лица детей и взрослых.
my life changed after the coronavirus, and I started going indoors with my family. Everyone went without masks and enjoyed life. No one was ill, I was very glad that this virus was over. Every day I go out for a walk with friends , and in quarantine I stayed at home and did not go out for air. Many were happy, I go and see happy faces of children and adults.
Объяснение: я лучше вот так сделаю
Kevin has made a decision to make notes during class.Emily made friends with her new classmates.It will do you only good an effort if you try to make lunch for the whole family.At first Philip made mistakes,but he finally did well at the exam.By the the time I got up,Iris had already made her bed and had done her morning exercises.Fiona promised her mother to do her best to make progress in English. Paul made up his mind to do the shopping on Sunday morning.The kids were making a lot of noise while making their biology project.
After being given the award, the actor said a few words. После вручения награды актер сказал несколько слов.