надо. Fill in the blanks with
1)She hasmaney today.
2)They often drinkCake.
3)We havegood CDs
4)Howtea did you have?
5)He invited friends.
6)Helen brokecups.
7)Walter bought...lemons.
8)She spentdollars yesterday.
9) He didHomework.
1/ Напишите предложение в Future Simple: They will deliver the goods next week
2/ Напишите предложение в Future Tense: Tom will sell the old car to his friend
3. Измените предложение в вопрос: Will they be there at noon
4. Измените предложение в отрицательное: John won't be at home tonight 5. in, on или at: 4:30 p.m.
6. Напишите ,что вы собираетесь делать (going to): What are you going to do? We will return at night
7. Напишите этo предложениe в Future Tense а) will/shall/: b) to be going to: They finished this work before noon
8. Укажите last, next, in ago, yesterday, tomorrow: They won't be there 9. where, when, why are you going have so soon
10. задайте вопрос с where, when, why: Where did he buy a new house last week? When did he buy a new house? Why did he buy a new house last week?
11. how. how much, How much does it cost?
12. Задайте вопрос с how: How many catalogues are there on the desk?
13. Укажите fast, much, many, old, often, tall, big How old is tour sister?
14. Напишите предложение в Present Perfect The meeting has already begun?
15. Напишите это предложение в Past Simple Future simple и Present Perfect
- They had enough time
- They will have enough time
- They have had enough time
16 Измените предложение в вопрос Has she written the letter?
17. задайте вопросы с: when where who how why Who has three of four offers?
18.Измените предложение в отрицательное - The Smiths don't have a very large house
19, Напишите предложение в Past Simple - She saw Tom a week ago.
20, укажите нужный глагол в Present perfect: know speak spend receive buy sell read show go take We have bought televivsion equipment this week
21, Укажите глагол в Past Simple или Present Perfect I visited him last Sunday
22 Изменить предложение в вопрос Was he very tired after talks?
23/ Задайте вопрос с why Why wasn't he in his office?
24. Задайте расчлененный вопрос и дайте ожидаемый короткий ответ
Mr. Brown lives in New York, doesn't he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't..
25 Укажите already/yet mr. Bell has already spoken to them.
26. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательного:
fast - faster - the fastest
27, Заполнить таблицу: beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
28. Укажите превосходную степень прилагательного Who is the most intelligent student in your class
29. Укажите модальный глагол can, must. may
You may go home after lunch (если вам разрешили)
You must go home after lunch (если вам приказали или вы просто должны)