Harith Харит Are you doing anything this weekend? Ты чем-нибудь занят в эти выходные? Suhaimi Сухэйми No, I'm free, unless something crops up. Why? What do you have in mind? Нет, я свободен, если только не появится что-нибудь неожиданное. А что? Что ты задумал? Harith Харит I'm thinking of getting Vishnu a present. Would you like to chip in? Я подумываю о том, чтобы сделать Вишну подарок. Может, скинемся деньгами? Suhaimi Сухэйми Sure, why not? Where do you plan to go? Конечно, почему бы и нет. Куда ты собираешься идти? Harith Харит I thought of going to Parkson Complex. It's a stone's throw away. Besides, the prices are reasonable. Я думал о Парксон Комплекс. Он совсем недалеко. К тому же, цены там вполне приемлемые. Suhaimi Сухэйми That's great! I'm trying to cut down on my monthly expenses. Вот и отлично! Я стараюсь снизить свои ежемесячные расходы.
Jim: Is your dinner ready at 3?
Ann: no, usually dinner ready later.
Jim: Do you always have fish for dinner?
Ann: at our table there is always seafood, but it is not always the fish. My family loves seafood, they are very useful.
Jim: Do you always begin your dinner at 5 ?
Ann: yes, in this time my dad comes back from work, and we содимся dinner with the whole family.
Jim: Does your sister like to eat fish for lunch?
Ann: yes, I think so.
Jim: Does your Father bring ice cream every day?
Ann: yes, my sister and I are very fond of ice cream.
Jim: Your silly cat doesn"t like ice cream, does he?
Ann: it's strange, but my cat hates ice-cream