Beefeaters-unofficial name of the ceremonial guards of the tower of London. The official (short) English name is Yeomen Warders ("Yeomen's Guard»).
This formation was created under the Tudor king Henry VII of England and Wales. It recruits retired non-commissioned officers of the British Armed forces who have served in the military for at least 22 years and have an excellent record of service.
They have always been distinguished by their traditional loyalty and loyalty to the English Crown. For centuries the Beefeaters were responsible for the supervision of prisoners The tower of London and the protection of the Royal regalia, but over time, with zero risk of conspiracy among the nobility, they now serve as honorary guides and are themselves a landmark in London.
брат, но возможны незначительные ошибки, помарки.
Поставь лайк и отметить как лучшее решение
e) to try make yourself a better person; -стараться сделаться лучше
2 - h
h) because I'm already pretty much one of the best people - потому что я уже один из лучших людей
3 - c
c) when you're trying to be helpful;- когда ты пытаешься оказывать
4 - g
g) was gonna go on a diet; -собирался сесть на диету.
5 - b
b) give up making my resolutions too; - перестать принимать новогодние решения тоже.
6 - d
d) eating her potato chips so loud; - есть так громко свои картофельные чипсы
7 - f
f) from what I've seen so far; - из того, что я видел до сих пор.