Passive voice this book was republished by the end of september. 2. when the telephone was invented? 3 the letter and the parcel will be posted tomorrow. 41 born in a small russian town. 5 all the questions on the paper must be answered. 6. my house has been painted the whole day yesterday. 7. the room is not cleaned yet. 8. wait a little. your question is being discussed now. 9. when has the first restaurant been opened in our district? 10. don't worry! your keys has been found. here they are. 1 can i help you, madam? thanks, l am served. 2. the examination will be held next friday. 3. your composition has been written yet? 4. hasn’t the room been cleaned yet? can i use it? 5. the translation was done in time. everyone was glad. 6. it was very dark. nothing could be seen 7. rugby has been plaid since 1845. 8. where is the radio? ls it repaired? 9. all the work was done by 6 o'clock yesterday. 10. where are the skis were they repaired now?
В кратце: Артикль a и an означает one (один, 1 штука чего-либо). a используют для слов, начинающихся с согласной (a banana), an для слов, начинающихся с гласной (an apple). Употребляют для не определённых слов, когда речь идёт просто о каких-то там яблоках или бананах (куртке, человеке итд) The означает этот, какой-то определённый предмет, о котором идёт речь, о котором вы уже разговариваете (the book - ЭТА книга), а так же употребляется для небесных тел, как солнце (the sun), луна (the moon), для названий фильмов (the Simpsons), когда вы говорите о солнце, все ведь понимают о каком солнце речь, это же не огурец или заяц.
С неправильними глаголами:
Who broke the window yesterday?
Where you left your phone?
Who read the book in the library?
Which person fell down on the road?
Who went to the school yesterday?
С правильними глаголами :
Who worked every day?
Who really enjoyed the great time ?
Who liked my class teacher?
Who stopped pretending being healthy?
Who denied being at home then?
Я тебе написала вибереш те которие больше всего нравятса.