12. Match the word. We put it on the window
c) curtain
13. Complete the sentence with the Present Continuous.
They for the exam now.
c) are studying
13.Choose the right answer. My mother`s father is my… .
не было букв - grandfather. (отец моей мамы - дедушка)
14. Choose the verb. Last summer I … my grandfather
c) helped
15. He … one brother.
has got
15. Complete the sentence with the Present Perfect.
I this film
a) have seen
16. Find verbs ( regular)
b) talk, want, watch, help
17. Find verbs ( irregular)
go, swim, take, have.
d) went, swam, took, had
18. Choose the verb.
I go to school on foot but yesterday I by bus.
c) went
19. Alisher Navoi ___ in Heart.
B)was born
20. Rustam in the 6 th form last year.
a) was
21. Choose the adjective. She is brushing her ___ hair.
a) long
22. This exercise is difficult than that exercise.
c) more
23.Pete is boy in our class.
b) the strongest
24. Choose the preposition. He lives a small house.
d) in
25. I read a lot of books animals.
c) about
темы на время, предлоги, степени сравнения прилагательных и притяжательный падеж
12. We put it on the windowa
c) curtain
13. Complete the sentence with the Present Continuous.
They for the exam now.
c) are studying
13.Choose the right answer. My mother`s father is my… .GRANDFATHER
14. Choose the verb. Last summer I … my grandfather
c) helped
15. Complete the sentence with the Present Perfect.
I this film
a) have seen
16. Find verbs ( regular)
b) talk, want, watch, help
17. Find verbs ( irregular) go, swim, take, have.
d) went, swam, took, had
18. Choose the verb. I go to school on foot but yesterday I by bus.
c) went
19. Alisher Navoi ___ in Heart.
B)was born
20. Rustam in the 6 th form last year.
a) was
21. Choose the adjective. She is brushing her ___ hair.
a) long
22. This exercise is difficult than that exercise.
c) more
23.Pete is boy in our class.
b) the strongest
24. Choose the preposition. He lives a small house.
d) in
25. I read a lot of books animals.
c) about