Рецепт драников
Draniki (Potato pancakes)
500 g of peeled potatoes;
2 tablespoons of flour;
1 onion;
1 egg;
2 tablespoons of oil;
2–3 tablespoons of milk;
salt (about ¾ of a teaspoon);
Grate potatoes and give the mass a good squeeze.
Put potatoes into the large bowl, add an onion, egg, flour, salt, milk, oil and pepper.
Heat some oil in the frying pan.
Put some potato mass onto the frying pan with the tablespoon. Fry draniki for 2-3 minutes, then flip then and fry on the other side.
Serve hot with sour cream.
Драники (картофельные оладьи)
500 г очищенного картофеля;
2 столовые ложки муки;
1 луковица;
1 яйцо;
2 столовые ложки растительного масла;
2-3 столовые ложки молока;
соль (примерно ¾ чайной ложки);
Картофель натрите на терке и массу хорошо отожмите.
Выложите картофель в большую миску, добавьте лук, яйцо, муку, соль, молоко, масло и перец.
Нагрейте немного масла на сковороде.
Выложите немного картофельной массы на сковороду столовой ложкой. Обжаривайте драники 2-3 минуты, затем переверните их и обжарьте с другой стороны.
Подавать горячими со сметаной.
Each family has a secret way of cooking rice soup. The rice makes the dish thick and hearty. In our recipe we offer the fastest and easiest version of cooking.
Soup recipe
In the Russian lexicon the word "soup" is present from the time of Peter the great. This simple dish takes its rightful place on our table. Soups are meat and vegetable, fish and even fruit. Mistress carefully select components to prepare based on the tastes of family members.
Soups with rice are popular in many countries. Rice turns the soup into a thick dish. From this it becomes very rich, but the extra calories are not added.
pork (400 grams);
rice (0.5 cups);
potatoes (4-5 pieces);
carrots (Stuka);
onion (1 piece);
bell pepper (Stuka);
tomato paste (10 grams or 1 tablespoon);
vegetable oil;
salt, pepper.
Method of preparation
In the pan you need to fry onions and carrots with vegetable oil. Coarsely chop the pork and also keep it in the pan for a few minutes.
Grind bell pepper strips and add it to the pan.
Pre-cook in boiling water until fully cooked potatoes and rice. Add the contents of the pan into a saucepan. There also add the tomato paste. If necessary, add water. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Cook for another 10 minutes. Cover with a lid and give the rice to the soup to infuse.
Bon appetit!