1. I have never eaten snails with garlic. (Я никогда не ел улиток с чесноком.)
2. Anna has read this book twice. (Анна прочитала эту книгу два раза.)
3. Have you seen Andy today? (Вы видели Энди сегодня?)
4. Brazil has won the FIFA World Cup 5 times. (Бразилия выигрывала чемпионат мира по футболу 5 раз.)
5. I have done my homework and now I can play with my friends. (Я сделал(а) домашку, и теперь могу поиграть с друзьями.)
6. My grandparents have just come from France. (Мои дедушка и бабушка только что приехали из Франции.)
12. I didn't know Eddie Murphy could sing so well
13. I didn't want you to fight
14. I hate it when travel companies change their prices for holidays at the last moment
15.I hope that he will help us in this matter
16. I saw that he misunderstood the case
17. Helen is considered a foster child
18.It proved that she was a very good friend
19.He had his aquarium cleaned up at the moment
20.She didn't hear the band playing music
21. The customer requested that the parcel receive the shipment number
22. Employees were forced to gather in the hall
23. Rain forced us to return home
24. Forecasters announced that the weather will be windy
25. Exercise tells us to feel happier
26. I heard them talking quietly
27. Tina chose her soon to go to math school
28.We heard the nightingale singing at night
30. They say Jack retired very early
31.Bob's friend never knew he was so romantic
32.I don't like it when the kids come out so late
33.We watched the sun sink below the horizon
35. We moved aside to let her pass
36.Let me congratulate you on your marriage
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