1)better-лучше (The) best-самый лучший 2)softer - мягче softest -самый мягкий 3)мне кажется, что у вас опечатка ,не mach,а much,тогда: more –больше most-наибольший 4)bigger-больший (The) biggest-самый большой 5)more beautiful-более красивый the most beautiful-самый красивый 6)smaller - меньше the smallest -наименьший (самый маленький) 7)shorter - короче (The) shortest - самый короткий 8)more important- более важный most important-самый важный 9)deeper-более глубокий the deepest -самый глубокий 10)мне кажется ,что не rish,а rich,тогда: richer - богаче richest -самый богатый 11)dirtier — грязнее the dirtiest-самое грязное 12)angrier - злее the angriest-самый злой 13)worse –хуже the worst-худший 14)more exact – точнее the most exact-самый точный 15)more honest-честнее the most honest-самый честный 16)more kind — добрее most kind-самый добрый 17)harder-труднее the hardest -самый трудный
Задание 1. 1. His work was more careless than mine.
His work was the most careless in the class.
2. Basketball is more popular than tennis.
Basketball is the most popular (sport) in the USA.
3. This watch is more expensive than that one.
This watch is the most expensive in the shop
4. Tuesday is more convenient for me than Friday.
Tuesday is the most convenient for me of all week- days.
Задание 2.
1. I‘m going on a trip to New York.
2. Please make an appointment when you come.
3. My brother isn’t going with me.
4. Were you interviewed by Mr. Cooper?
5. Did you put your signature on this application form?
6. I have changed my appointment on Monday to Tuesday.
7. I can come any day besidesThursday.
Задание 3.
1. The performance must be over and there are many people leaving the theatre.
2. I don’t believe that he said it. He can’t say such things.
3. It is impossible that they should have refused to help you. They can’t break their promise.
4. Can you really mean this?
5. I’m sure my students must be at a lecture now; they never miss classes.
6. The message must be delivered in time as we received an immediate answer.
7. There is no doubt that was all prepared beforehand. He may watch you.