город страна дата Dear Julia, Thanks a lot for your last letter.I`m sorry I haven`t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.I am so glad that you have such a good relationship with your family! I also like spending my time with them.(или если не любишь проводить время с семьей можешь написать:Unfortunately I do not like to spend time with my them.)Together we often watch a movies, we talk over dinners, on the holydays we also go to the countryside or travel to another countries.I especially love to discuss my favorite books(или games/movies) with my mum(или sister/brother/dad)(Или если ты написал(а), что не любишь проводить время с семьей, напиши:Usually we rarely spend time together.As a rule, we do not organize a trip, we have no common activities.)And what do you think about common interests with the family?Should people spend all their free time with the family or to give to his friends?How often you are sacrificing your family for friends?Write soon! Yors, твое имя
Очень часто транспортом к месту отдыха становится именно самолет. Казалось бы, полет давно стал частью жизни современного человека. Небо манит Вас к себе своей красотой, привлекательностью, величием и совершенством. Сделать это желание реальностью достаточно просто - полетать на самолете, ощущая пьянящее и незабываемое чувство свободы. Небо движется, постоянно меняется, восходит из-за края земли, скрываясь за другим краем. Полет – это романтика, свист ветра, шум двигателя Very often the transport to the place of rest it becomes a plane. It would seem that the flight has long been a part of modern life.Heaven beckons you to her for her beauty, attraction, grandeur and perfection. Make this desire a reality is quite simple - to fly on a plane, feeling heady and unforgettable sense of freedom.The sky moves, constantly changing, dates back from the edge of the ground, hiding behind another edge. Flight - a romance, whistling wind, engine noise
Dear Julia,
Thanks a lot for your last letter.I`m sorry I haven`t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.I am so glad that you have such a good relationship with your family! I also like spending my time with them.(или если не любишь проводить время с семьей можешь написать:Unfortunately I do not like to spend time with my them.)Together we often watch a movies, we talk over dinners, on the holydays we also go to the countryside or travel to another countries.I especially love to discuss my favorite books(или games/movies) with my mum(или sister/brother/dad)(Или если ты написал(а), что не любишь проводить время с семьей, напиши:Usually we rarely spend time together.As a rule, we do not organize a trip, we have no common activities.)And what do you think about common interests with the family?Should people spend all their free time with the family or to give to his friends?How often you are sacrificing your family for friends?Write soon!
твое имя