Task 4
2) Andrew wasn't at his sister's wedding. He was in an amusement park
3) Our teacher wasn't at work. She was in Venice.
4) We weren't at thd cinema. We were at the party.
5) Martha wasn't at the shops. She was ill.
6) Sally and Josh weren't at a birthday party. They were in the swimming pool.
Task 5
2) Were Sam and Dave at a birthday party yesterday? No, they weren't. They were at the cinema.
3) Was Tony at home on Sunday? No, he wasn't. He was on a roller coaster
4) Where were Adrian and Iza last week? They were on the beach
5) Were your parents at the zoo last weekend? No, they weren't.
6) Where was your teacher last week? She was in London.
Понимаешь, всегда при любых поколениях молодые люди не понимали подростков. Их моду, вкусы и предпочтения, чаще всего пишут, конечно же в газетах о том, например, как подростки курят, матерятся: " Куда катится мир?" - возникают вопросы. Но подросткам не наплевать ни на какие чувства. Просто, иногда возникает не взаимопонимание между поколениями, из-за разных ситуациях в семьях подросток замыкается в себе , и т.д.
Короче, новости всегда привлекают плохими заголовками. Не надо это принимать близко к сердцу, потому что это будет всегда. А счастливые истории в сказках и книгах, где люди, которые защищают подростков, всегда на их стороне.
You're not a postal worker anymore?
How's your job promotion going?
Have you used public services?
Have you passed your report yet?
You're very responsible
He's planning a return
Have you ever used your savings accounts?
Did you use a scale?
He is a skilled craftsman
He snatched her by the throat
His car has a high speed
He stamp his seal on it
The surgeon began to operate on the patient
He was withdrawing funds for construction
He was a witness in a drug case