ДАМ КОРОНУ: Дайте відповідь 1. Do you enjoy shopping? Why (not)? 2. Do you enjoy
window shopping? Is window shopping typical in this country?
3. Have you ever bought anything from a catalogue or shopped
online? What did you buy? 4. Have you ever bought anything from a
door-to-door salesman or a street vendor? What was it? 5. Do you go
to market? If so, do you always go to the same stalls? 6. When you
go shopping what influences your choice more – prices, quality, trade
mark, the layout of the shop, etc.? 7. Are you a bargain-hunter? Do
you prefer to wait for the sales before buying things? 8. What's the
best bargain you have ever bought? 9. Have you ever bought
anything on impulse and then regretted it? If so, what was it and what
made you buy it? 10. Do you prefer shopping in well-known
chainstores or in little boutiques? Why? 11. Where do people haggle
over the prices? Have you ever haggled? How successful you were?
12. Are you saving up for anything at the moment? What is it?
13. What ways for a student to save up can you suggest? 14. How has
the way of shopping changed over the last 20 years? 15. How do you
think the way of shopping will change over the next 20 years?
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