most of the belarusian cuisine is grated potato dishes: potato pancakes, dumplings, sorcerers, potato casseroles.among the widespread meat dishes, bigos is popular - meat stewed with cabbage.popular soups: soup, zhur, mushroom soup, pea soup.grated horseradish is popular among seasonings, all belarusians love this seasoning.desserts are presented in the form of: kulag (malt), curd cheese, toast.
часть национальной кухни составляют блюда из тёртого картофеля: драники, клёцки, колдуны, картофельные запеканки.
среди широко распространённых мясных блюд популярен бигос — мясо, тушённое с капустой.популярные супы: уха, жур, грибной суп, гороховый суп.среди приправ популярен тертый хрен, эту приправу любят все белорусы.десертов в кухне достаточно мало. десерты представлены в виде: кулаги (солодухи), творожников, гренок.
There are four meals a day in an English home: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast consists of porridge with milk, eggs-boiled or fried, bread and butter with marmalade or jam. Some people drink tea, but others prefer coffee. The usual time for lunch is 1 o’clock. It consists of soup, some meat or poultry with potatoes, carrots and beans. Tea is between 4 or 5 o’clock, it comes with milk, sugar, bread, cakes and jam. Dinner is the fourth meal of the day. It consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables – potatoes, green beans, cabbage, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese and biscuits.