M:I`m happy. I`m not women!
M:Men are 1)better then the best women.
W:But you are 2) the most stupid person I know!
M:Don`t be horrible. Men are 3) more (intelligent than women. They are 4) more logical and 5) better cooks than women are!
W:Your ideas are 6) more old-fashioned than mine. I think women are 7) the cleverest. They are 8) more sensible and 9) more practical than men are -and men are 10) worse drivers than women because women are 11) more patient.
M:But men are 12) more athletic
W: oh, please . Let`s talk about someting else . This is 13) the most ridiculous conversation I have ever had!
To sail - sailor
to connect - disconnect, connection, connector, connecting, connected
to educate - education, educating, educated, educator
to build -rebuild, building, builder
to create - creator, creature, creating, created
friend - friendship, friendly
leader - mislead, (mis)leading, leadrership, leader
fellow - fellowship
dark - darkness, to darken, darkly
weak - weakness, to weaken, weakly
cold - coldness, coldly
bright - brightness, to brighten, brightening, brightly
free - freedom, freely