2. Its capital city is Cardiff. - Wales
3. A world famous music band started their career in one of its cities. Those four became the symbol of world pop music of the XX century. - England, the Beatles were from Liverpool
4. Its patron saint is St. George and the holiday falls on the 23rd of April. - England
5. Its flag is a white diagonal cross on a blue background. - Scotland
6. The eldest son of the British monarch is traditionally granted the title of the Prince of this part of the UK. - Wales (Prince of Wales)
7. Belfast is the capital city here. - Northern Ireland
8. This part of the UK frightens people by its famous lake monster. - Scotland, a monster called Nessie is from Loch Ness, one of the deepest Scottish lakes
«Мои каникулы / My vacation»
Hurray ! We are we having holidays!
Autumn holidays are very short - only 10 days.
I`m not going to travel, I won`t go to the seaside, I won`t visit my Granny in the village. However, I like autumn holidays. I will have a lot of time for my favourite activities.
Ура, у нас каникулы!
Осенние каникулы очень короткие - всего 10 дней.
Я не буду путешествовать, не поеду на море, не поеду к бабушке в деревню. Но я все-таки люблю осенние каникулы.
У меня будет много времени для занятий моими любимыми делами.
признаться честно, с инета взял
1. some
2. some
4. any
5. a
6. an
8. some
9. a, an.
10 some
11. any
12. some
13. some
14. some
15. any
16. A
17. any
18. any
19. any
20. a
21. some
22. any
23. some, (an)
24. a
25. an.
(вроде верно)