Рассказ про известного португальского мореплавателя.
Васко да ГамаЗнаменитый португальский мореплаватель, который первый смог доплыть из Европы в Индию. Родился в семье рыцаря, в молодые годы вступил в Орден Сантьяго, с юных лет участвовал в морских сражениях.
В те годы поиск морского пути в Индию был задачей века, т.к. это принесло бы огромную выгоду. И Васко да Гама смог это сделать, после чего стал представителем знати, а со временем присвоили ему титул «Адмирала Индийского океана».
перевод:The famous Portuguese Navigator, who was the first to sail from Europe to India. Born in the family of a knight, in his younger years he joined the Order of Santiago, from a young age he participated in naval battles.
In those years, the search for a sea route to India was the task of the century, because it would bring huge benefits. And Vasco da Gama was able to do this, after which he became a representative of the nobility, and eventually gave him the title of " Admiral of the Indian ocean."
1. We went with our experiments FOR a year. DURING this period of time it became clear that our approach had some disadvantages.
2. Many problems were discussed SINCE the conference and some of them FOR many hours. DURING the discussion different suggestions were made. The conference continued FOR a week.
3. Biology made great progress DURING the second half of the XIX century and FOR some time it was supposed that there is nothing much to be discovered.
4. Man FOR thousands of years has been changing the world to suit his own purposes.
5. Man has been changing the world SINCE ancient times.
6. Our team has been doing plasma research FOR three years.
7. He has been investigating the cell properties SINCE he joined this laboratory.
8. I have been working at the effects of low temperatures on seeds FOR half a year.
9. We have been studying the theory of chromosome hereditary DURING last two years.
10. I have been gathering these data SINCE last winter.
Так как plant
завод, растение, установка, фабрика, оборудование, агрегат
трава, растение
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