1. Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
2. Deliciuous pancakes were made by my grandmother.
3. A car was bought last year by my father
4. The Maria's laptop was stolen by someone
5. The whole story was forgotten by the kids in a few days.
6. An important speech was made last night by the president
7. Two men were killed yesterday by the wild animals.
8. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
9. J.F. Kennedy was murdered in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald.
10. Communism was introduced by Moo Tse Tung
в пассивном залоге на первое место выходит тот, над кем совершается действие, а образуется он только в 8ми временах, не образуется лишь в Future Continuous и группе Perfect Continuous.
рассмотрим 1ое предложение - Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975. - Билл Гейтс и Поул Аллен основали Майкрософт в 1975.
Переделаем в пассивный залог - Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. - Майкрософт был основан в 1975 Биллом Гейтсом и Поулом Алленом
На задание 2
We don’t know for sure if dreams mean something or not.
2. We forget more dreams than we remember.
3. Dreams speak to us in words and pictures.
4. You can’t learn much from dreams because the things they show are random.
5. It’s a good idea to use a computer to write your dream diary.
6. Every detail of a dream might explain something about how you’re feeling about your life.