С целью исключения изменения количества в документе (дописи иной суммы впереди) указывайте сумму прописью с заглавной буквы. Обоснование. Из рекомендации. Сергея Разгулина, действительного государственного советника РФ 3-го класса. Как организовать документооборот в бухгалтерии. Документы, с которыми работает бухгалтерия, можно разделить на две группы: документы налогового учета и отчетности; бухгалтерские документы. К документам налогового учета и отчетности относятся формы налоговой отчетности и налоговые регистры.
This is how the Russian blogger described his visit to Canterbury, a small English town.He liked its narrow streets lined by medieval houses.He also joined a guided tour to the famous Canterbury Cathedral,the cradle of English Christianity. Its history is related to such famous names as St Augustine,Archbishop Thomas Becket and the English writer Geoffrey Chaucer.In the evening his friends Gina and David made the delicious traditional English dinner. He shared this amazing experience with his fellow bloggers.
It’s important to eat plenty of fresh vegetables every day.
A diet that is high in protein is good for muscles.
I think it’s important to believe in yourself.
I didn’t feel confident about my appearance so I went on a diet.
Be careful not to stamp on anyone’s feet!
Do not eat too many sweets, as they are bad for you.
Thanks for your advice, Alina!
Carbohydrates are a great source of energy.
A healthy diet will provide your body with all the necessary nutrients.
What kind of natural remedies do you know?