1. To get a good score, you must work hard. 2. She's hard to deal with. 3. What should I do? 4. Let's start by saying he's sick. 5. To read Dickens in the original, you need to know the language well. 6. To put it mildly, he's wrong. 7. It wasn't her fault. 8. The child has no one to play with. 9. To see is to believe. 10. To catch this train, you have to hurry. 11. There can be no question of buying a car this year. 12. The book leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell the truth, I don't like it. 14. They had nothing to eat. 15. Who is to blame? 16. In short, he didn't take a lesson. 17. In our family, mom always gets up first. 18. It's nice to look at her. 19. To translate this article, you must use the dictionary. 20. I have nowhere to go in the summer. 21.0 there was no question of swimming in this river.
Present simple
Where do you work?
Present continuos
Where are you working?
Present perfect
Where have you worked?
Present perfect continuous
Where have you been working?
Past simple
Where did you work?
Past continuous
Where were you working?
Past perfect
Where had you worked?
Past perfect continuous
Where had you been worked?
Future simple
Where will yoг work?
Future continuous
Where will you be working?
Future perfect
Where will you have worked?
Future perfect continuous
Where will you have been working?
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