а) старый - старее - самый старый; быстрый - быстрее - самый быстрый; практичный - практичнее - самый практичный; эффективный - менее эффективный - наименее эффективный.
б) Самый эффективный локомотив на русской железной дороге; большие изменения в транспортировке; новейшая форма в железнодорожной тяге; самый быстрый дизельный локомотив
а) Этот локомотив был построен в году, он используется для перевозки пассажиров. Новая линия будет длиной в 100 километров, она будет использоваться только для грузовых перевозок. Развитие дизельных локомотивов феноменально, и должно быть внимательно изучено.
б) Необходимо создать; важно сконструировать, было возможно улучшить
с) Сейчас около четырех часов занимает путь из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург. Это требует опытных водителей для работы с современным локомотивами. В России первый дизельный локомотив был изготовлен в 1924. Сцепщики были построены на фабрике в Муроме.
I was sure we would meet our targets. The boards of Glaxo Wellcome and Smithkline Beecham announced that they agreed the terms of a proposed merger. The customers knew that they responded quickly to demand. The papers reported that things were going well until the Asian stock market crash. A recent survey showed that the number of single parent families was increasing. Marketing plans predicted that sales growth would reach 7,7 per cent. They believed that it was foolish to risk so much money on the new dotcom company. The fax informed that Sun Advertasing beat its main competitor. Peter reported that the cost of using the Internet increased. The analysts concluded that bullet proof cars would be the best way to protect the safety of company staff and their families. He said he wouldn't put it in the sales because it was selling very well. He read the report and he didn't understand section 4. He said when he finished his presentation he was going to have a drink.She said that she was preparing the figures but she wouldn't be long.She said she liked playing tennis, but she didn't do it very often.She said she was going to visit their Polish subsidiary, but she was not sure when. She asked me if I were on holiday for the whole of August. I asked him what the letters URL meant.My boss asked me if I prepared the figures. I asked Franchesca when her birhtday was.She asked him if he remembered to back up the file. Elen asked me why I turned off the air conditioning.They asked me if I spoke Italian at the interview.I asked Pablo how much he paid for his car.