Fill in the sentences: 1. Sometimes editors f… different problems. 2. She started publishing the monthly p… . 3. The state g… economic independence of periodicals. 4. Drivers d… newspapers to the newsagents. 5. People use machines to p… a newspaper. 6. Radio, newspapers, magazines, TV and the Internet are called m… .
-You remember your young years...-he started the conversation the old lady.-at that time it was not so as now...and the other village people and others.In our times the youth has always been polite.
-Grandma!What is "politeness"?
-Well,-she sighed,-Politeness is a human characteristic which characterizes the personality good manners, good deeds and education.Under the politeness is usually described as the ability to communicate respectfully with people, a willingness to find a compromise and listen to opposing points of view.So that was my wonderful day at my grandmother's.