ответ:The period of development of domestic education under the princes Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise is often recognized as the initial one in the entire history of this formation, in many respects associated with Christian churches [1].
Under the year 988, in the Tale of Bygone Years: “And he built (Vladimir) a church in the name of St. Basil on the hill where the idol of Perun and others stood, and where the prince and the people performed their services. And in other cities they began to erect churches and appoint priests in them, and bring people to baptism in all cities and villages. He sent to collect children from the best people and send them to book training. The mothers of these children wept for them; for they were not yet established in the faith, and wept for them as if they were dead ”(the pagans were against Christian innovations).
Russian scribes who worked in advanced schools used their own version of the structure of subjects, which to a certain extent took into account the experience of Byzantine and Bulgarian schools that provided higher education.
Sophia's first chronicle about the school in Novgorod: 1030. “In the summer of 6538. Yaroslav Idea on Chyud, and I win, and set up the city of Yuriev. And when you came to Novgorod, and having taken 300 children from the elders and from the priests, teach them in a book. "
Период развития отечественного образования при князьях Владимире и Ярославе Мудром нередко признается начальным во всей истории этого образования, во многом связанного с христианскими храмами[1].
Под 988 годом в Повести временных лет: «И поставил (Владимир) церковь во имя святого Василия на холме, где стоял идол Перуна и другие и где творили им требы князь и люди. И по другим городам стали ставить церкви и определять в них попов, и приводить людей на крещение по всем городам и селам. Послал он собирать у лучших людей детей и отдавать их в обучение книжное. Матери же детей этих плакали о них; ибо не утвердились еще они в вере, и плакали о них, как о мертвых» (язычники были против христианских инноваций).
Русские книжники, работавшие в школах повышенного типа, пользовались своим вариантом структуры предметов, который в определенной мере учитывал опыт византийских и болгарских школ, дававших высшее образование.
Софийская первая летопись о школе в Новгороде: 1030. «В лето 6538. Иде Ярослав на Чюдь, и победи я, и постави город Юрьев. И прииде к Новугороду, и събрав от старост и от попов детей 300 учити книгом».
1 ON 12TH April 1961 Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut, 2 became THE first human TRAVELLING into space. Although his flight 3 lasted only 108 minuteS, its success made him A
4 national hero. He also became the first person To 5 EAT and DRINK in zero gravity, and he was able TO
6 view the Earth in a way that no one had done before.
7 Unfortunately, a plane crash in March 1968 made Gagarin's 8 desire of revisiting space IMPOSSIBLE. 9 After his DEATH, his hometown and the Cosmonaut Training 10 Center at Star City, Russia, WERE named after HIM.
1,bumpy- smooth
2 relaxing-tiring
3 terrible-awesome
4 cosy- uncomfortable
5 dangerous- safe