1. What kind of newspaper is it? Tabloids
2. Do you buy it or borrow it from someone? My mother buys it.
3. How reliable is the information in it? Not very reliable
4. What does the newspaper write about? It writes about famous people and their life, about some stange stories of ordinary people, about sportmen and different scandals.
5. Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it? Yes, there are a lot of photos and intriguing headlines
6. What kind of people read it? Women, housewives
7. Why is it interesting for you? I like to look at photos of famouse people
Если у тебя кошка:
Да. Я имею кошку. Её зовут ЛУИЗА. Она очень ленивая и любит спать. Она сегодня не сделала ничего.Она только спала кушала и играла. Я люблю свою кошку.
Если у тебя собака:
Да. Я имею собаку. Её зовут МАРГО. Она очень активное животное. Сегодня мы с ней ходили гулять 3 раза. Она сегодня порвала мне кофту. Я её поругала за это.Она постоянно веселится, прыгает и играет в игрушки.Люблю свой собаку МАРГО.
На английском:
If you have a cat:
Yes. I have a cat. Her name is LOUISE. She very lazy also likes to sleep. It didn't make today anything. It only fell down ate and played. I love the cat.
If you have a dog:
Yes. I have a dog. Her name is MARGO. It very active animal. Today we with it went to walk 3 times. It tore today to me a jacket. I scolded it for it. It has constantly fun, jumps and plays toys. I love the dog of MARGO.