1. At breakfast, we eat sandwiches. 2. We sometimes write dictations. 3. Do you play chess? No, I do not play chess, but I play checkers. 4. I never go to the gym. But I regularly run on the beach in the morning. 5. In the evening he attends English classes. 6. I often listen to the radio in the morning. 7. They live in the same street. 8. He studies the history of Russia. 9. The girl likes to walk in the park. 10. My brother is very good at playing the violin. 11. Today is a sunny and calm morning. 12. I usually spend the summer with my grandmother in the country. 13. For breakfast, I drink coffee with a sandwich.
прощения, думала, что получится намного лучше, но увы... Надеюсь, все правильно. To: Samantha White (имя получателя) Subject: My rest (тема, не обязательно) Hi! How are you? I'm in Germany! Can you believe it? I stay in a hotel in the mountains. In my free time I enjoy talking with Germans, going to the restaurants and when it's a good weather, I go for a walk. By the way, people here are very friendly and kind-hearted. And I also like german sausages and picturesque landscapes. I enjoy being here. Come to me! Write soon! Love, Kate. (Своё имя) На картинке нормальный вид письма.
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