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Гарри Каспаров (13.04.1963) - Российский спортсмен.

Гарри Каспаров (урожденный Вайнштейн) является одним из лучших шахматных Гроссмейстеров, бывшего Мирового Чемпиона по шахматам, Почетного Мастера спорта, писателя и политического активиста. Он выиграл восемь Мировых Шахматных Олимпиад и одиннадцать шахмат «Оскары». Он родился 13-го апреля 1963 в Азербайджане в благородной семье. И его родители были успешными инженерами и его дедушкой, был композитор. В возрасте четырех лет он учился читать. Он скоро развил интерес к истории и географии.

Когда ему было семь лет, он мечтал о становлении доктором для лечения его тяжело больного отца. Перед его смертью его отец сделал ему подарок – шахматные часы. С этого времени его мать взяла на себя всю ответственность за его образование. Она полностью посвятила свою жизнь карьере и благополучию Гарри. В возрасте шестнадцати лет у мальчика уже был титул чемпиона чемпиона мира. Когда ему было 22 года, он начал играть с чемпионом мира Анатолием Карповым. Их матч, продлившийся в течение почти половины года и, был зарегистрирован как самый долгий матч в истории шахмат.

Когда он был подростком, он выиграл три золотых медали для превосходной церемонии вручения дипломов, побед в шахматах среди юниоров и участия в Мировой Шахматной Олимпиаде в команде СССР. Позже, у него было три убедительных победы на международных турнирах в Югославии. С октября 1984 Гарри Каспаров начал длительную беспрецедентную конфронтацию с Анатолием Карповым, продержавшимся более чем 10 лет. Их первый неограниченный матч включил 48 игр. Матч был прерван президентом FIDE, поскольку игроки были истощены. Победителем был Анатолий Карпов.

Однако шесть месяцев спустя ответный матч был выигран Каспаровым. В целом, эти два сыграли 144 игры, большинство который ничья, в которую заканчиваются. Продолжая лучшие традиции чемпионов мира, Гарри Каспаров в настоящее время обращает большое внимание к социальным и литературным действиям в поле для шахмат. Кроме этого, он организует и поддерживает детские шахматные школы в России, Израиле и нескольких других странах. Гарри был одним из соучредителей Профессиональной Шахматной Ассоциации. Он известен и уважается в мире за его образование, разведку и яркое изображение. Многие эксперты говорят, что он - лучший шахматист всех случаев.Garry Kasparov (13.04.1963) - Russian sportsman.

Garry Kasparov (nee Weinstein) is one of the best chess Grandmasters, former World Chess Champion, Honored Master of Sport, writer and political activist. He won eight World Chess Olympiads and eleven chess “Oscars”. He was born on April 13th, 1963 in Azerbaijan, in a noble family. Both his parents were successful engineers and his grandfather was a composer. At the age of four he learned to read. He soon developed interest in history and geography.

When he was seven, he dreamt of becoming a doctor to cure his seriously ill father. Before his death his father gave him a present – a chess clock. From now on his mother took all the responsibility for his education. She fully dedicated her life to Garry’s career and well-being. At the age of sixteen the boy already had the title of a world champion. When he was 22, he began playing with the world champion Anatoly Karpov. Their match lasted for almost half a year and was registered as the longest match in the history of chess.

When he was a teenager, he won three gold medals for excellent graduation, victories in chess among juniors and participation at the World Chess Olympiad within the USSR team. Later on, he had three convincing victories at international tournaments in Yugoslavia. From October 1984 Garry Kasparov started a long-lasting unprecedented confrontation with Anatoly Karpov, which lasted over 10 years. Their first unlimited match involved 48 games. The match was interrupted by the President of FIDE, as the players were exhausted. The winner was Anatoly Karpov.

However, six months later the rematch was won by Kasparov. All in all, these two have played 144 games, most of which ended in draw. Continuing the best traditions of world champions, Garry Kasparov currently pays lots of attention to social and literary activities in the field of chess. Apart from that, he organizes and supports children’s chess schools in Russia, Israel and several other countries. Garry was one of the co-founders of Professional Chess Association. He is well-known and respected in the world for his education, intelligence and brilliant image. Many experts say he is the best chess player of all times.
4,5(38 оценок)
Вот перевод. Сократить не вышло.Now she had their opinions, and at supper discussed with Sasha's parents, saying how difficult were the classes for children in school. But after all, she felt that classical education a better course of Commerce because release from school, for you all roads are open for any career. If you choose, you could be a doctor, or if you wanted to, you could become an engineer.
Sasha started at the school.
His mother has gone to visit her sister in Kharkov and never came back. Because his father was not at home every day, he carried out the inspection of cattle and sometimes absent more than three days, it seemed to Olenka that Sasha was completely abandoned, was treated as if it were superfluous and must be dying of hunger. So she carried it in his part of the house and has allocated a small room for him there.
Every morning Olenka came into his room and found him sleeping with his palm under his cheek, so quietly he slept, it seemed, was not breathing. "It's a shame that we have to Wake him" she thought.
"Sasha," she said sadly. "come on, honey. Time for school"
He got up, dressed, said his prayers, then sat for Breakfast. He drank 3 cups of tea, ate 2 large tortillas and half of the oil roll. He still woke up, so was a little slurred.
"You don't know your fable as you should, Sashenka," said Olenka, looking at him as if he was going on a long journey. "What's you're problem. You need to try harder and learn, darling, and obey your teachers." "Leave me alone, please," said Sasha.
Then he walked down the street to school, a little guy in a big hat and bag behind.
Olenka followed him noisy.
"Sasha" - was the name of it.
He turned, and she shoved a date or a caramel into his hand. When he got to school the streets, he turned around and he was ashamed that he should be tall, stout woman. "Better go home, aunt. The rest of the way I can myself go"
She stopped and watched him until he disappeared into the school doors. Oh, how she loved him! To anybody it was not as strongly attached. Never before she felt so full and happy as it is now. Her maternal instincts woke up. For the little boy who was not hers, for the dimples on his cheeks and his big cap, she would give her life and give with tears of joy. Why? Really why? When she held Sasha in school, she returned home quietly, satisfied, peaceful and filled with love. Her face rejuvenated over the past 6 months, smiled and glowed. People who met her, was happy when I looked at her.
"How are you, Olga Semyonovna, darling? How are you, darling?"
"School is very hard now" she told people on the market. "This is not a joke. Yesterday the first class had a fable to learn by heart, a Latin translation, and that's the problem. As a little boy to do all this?"
And she told about the teacher, the classroom and the textbooks, just repeating what he said about Sasha. In 3 hours they had lunch. In the evening they did his homework together, both complaining how difficult it was. When she was asleep, she stood for a long time, baptizing him and muttering a prayer. And when she lay in bed, dreaming of the distant, misty future when Sasha would finish school and become a doctor or engineer, you will have your big house, with horses and a carriage, marry and he will have children. She fell asleep still thinking about the same things, and tears flowed down her cheeks from closed eyes. And black the cat lay beside her, purring : "MRR, MRR, MRR".
4,7(20 оценок)
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