ответ: Вот
Belarus once belonged to the USSR and inherited all the sports traditions from the Union. I will divide the sports into the seasons as they are actual. Firstly, as for the summer sports, we should mention all kinds of gymnastics which are very popular in this country. Secondly, is synchronized swimming. Talking about winter activities I must mention such sports as skiing, figure skating and, of course, biathlon. In those activities, Belarusian sportsmen are always at the top. Belarusian sportsmen are the ones who are really hard-working, self-motivated and talented people. They love their country and are proud to represent it at international competitions. What is appreciated among them is that after getting their high level medals sportsmen always return to their sports schools as coaches. They want to raise another generation of good sportsmen.
- Hey! Today I heard on the radio about the threat of a tsunami.tsunami.
- Oh! This is terrible! The tsunami produces great destruction. All people need to be evacuated.
- Yes, I know that, and I'll leave town in a hurry.
- All right. As for me, I can get out of town so quickly. I have to collect my things and documents and inform my relatives about the disaster.
- Of course. We all need to be careful on the way. The weather is very bad. - You're right. I'll try to keep an eye on the road, despite the rain and wind.
- I hope you can handle it and not get caught up in a tsunami.
- Thank you." I'll try my best. Bye!
- Привет! Сегодня я услышала по радио об угрозе цунами.цунами.
-О! Это ужасно! Цунами производит большие разрушения. Всем людям необходима эвакуация.
- Да, Я знаю об этом и поспешу уехать из города.
- Хорошо. Что касается меня, то я успею уехать из города так быстро. Я должна собрать свои вещи и документы и сообщить моим родственникам о катастрофе.
- Конечно. Нам всем необходима осторожность в пути. Погода очень плохая. - Ты права. Я постараюсь следить за дорогой, вопреки дождю и ветру.
- Надеюсь, что ты справишься и тебя не настигнет цунами.
Буду стараться. Пока!