Robert Pattinson is the most popular young actor in the world. He was born May 13, 1986 in London. His star rose suddenly and brightly in 2005 after Robert performed the part of Cedric Diggory in the super popular blockbuster "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Subsequently, the film critics tagged him "the British star of tomorrow." The prophecy came true on November 17, 2008.
I like this actor because his characters are strong personalities, people who value friendship, which is admirable. In my opinion, this is the reason for his popularity in many countries. Pettenson became my favorite actor, not only because of his acting, but also because of his behaviour in public: he does not put himself above all. He is not only a talented actor, whose acting inexplicably interests you from the moment his face appears on the screen, but he is also a talented pianist and guitarist.Rob continues to perform his music, and even contributed to the creation of the title theme for the official soundtrack of the movie "Twilight".
Our flat is a very beatiful and big- наша квартира очень большая и красивая. It has three rooms, kitchen, bothroom.-В ней три комнаты ,кухня,ванная. Our family like to watch TV in the living room in the morning -Наша семья любит смотреть телевизор в гостинной вечером.Our flat is on the third floor.-Наша квартира находится на третьем этаже.It is a wonderful panoramic view to theforest out of the window.- Из окна открывается замечательный вид на лес. I like to spend the time in my room.-Я люблю проводить время в своей комнате.